Thursday, May 9, 2024

Applied Mechanics Notes and Solutions #second semester

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                       NEW SYLLABUS

                                                   Pokhara University 

                                       Faculty of Science and Technology

Course Code: MEC 150 (4 Credit)                                                                     Full Marks: 100

Course Title: Applied Mechanics (4-2-0 )                                                             Pass Mark: 45

Nature of the Course: Theory and Tutorial                                            Total Lectures: 60 hours Level: Bachelor/ Year: I/ Semester: II Program: BE                                                                                                                                   


1. Course Description 

The applied mechanics course is designed for engineering students to provide the theoretical knowledge and solving methods of practical engineering problems related to statics and dynamics (kinematics and kinetics) of particles and rigid body mechanics.


2. General Objectives 

·        To provide basic knowledge of Newtonian mechanics and mechanical equilibrium of different systems of forces

·        To provide basic concepts and application of static and dynamic equilibrium equations to solve engineering mechanics problem

·        To provide the basic knowledge of principles and applications of kinematics, kinetics and mechanical vibration to solve simple structural engineering problems

3. Methods of Instruction 

Lecture, tutorial and discussion

4. Contents in Detail 

Specific Objectives


Give the concept of statics and dynamics, and                 fundamental concepts of engineering mechanics.                   Give

Introduction to coordinate system and vector algebra                                 

Unit 1: Introduction (3hours)

1.1    Definition and scope of Applied Mechanics

1.2    Concept of Statics and Dynamics

1.3    Concept of Particle

1.4    Concept of Rigid, Deformed and Fluid Bodies

1.5    Fundamental Concepts and Principles of Mechanics: Newtonian Mechanics

1.6 Review of Coordinate System, Vector algebra and solving steps of Applied Mechanics problems

Explain forces acting on particles and rigid bodies in order to solve problems related to forces acting with relevant                              civil engineering examples. Apply concept of static equilibrium for solving problems in applied mechanics

Unit 2: Forces, Moments and Static Equilibrium (10 hours)

2.1   Types of Forces: External, Internal and Reaction Forces, Point Force, Translational and Rotational Force- Relevant Examples

2.2       Resolution and Composition of Forces - Relevant Examples

2.3   Basic Concept of Static Equilibrium and its essence in structural application   in   civil   engineering   -   Relevant Examples

2.4   Free Body Diagram - Relevant Examples

2.5   Equation of Equilibrium in Two/Three Dimensions

2.6   Principle of Transmissibility and Equivalent Forces - Relevant Examples

2.7    Friction Forces: Concept of Static and Dynamic Friction with relevant examples



2.8    Moments and Couples: Moment of a Force about a point and an axis, theory of couples- Relevant Examples

2.9     Resolution of a Force into Forces and a Couple - Relevant Examples

2.10   Resultant of Force and Moment for a System of Force: Examples

Explain the concept of center of gravity, centroid and moment of inertia acting on various geometries, and their application in civil engineering.

Unit 3: Center of Gravity, Centroid and Moment of Inertia (6 hours)

3.1   Concept and Calculation of Center of Gravity and Centroid of Line/Area

3.2   Concept and Calculation of Second Moment of Area / Moment of    Inertia    and    Radius    of    Gyration    - Relevant examples associated to civil engineering

3.3     Use of parallel axis theorem for different types of lamina: Relevant Examples.

Explain the concept of statically determinate beam and plane truss, able to draw Axial force, Shear force and Bending                        moment diagram due to various loadings in beam.

Determine the axial forces in members of plane truss.

Unit 4: Analysis of Beam and Plane Truss (9 hours)

4.1   Introduction to beam and truss

4.2   Types of supports, loads and standard symbols

4.3   Types of beams based on support condition and determinacy

4.4   Relationship between load, shear force and bending moment

4.5   Calculation of Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment for statically determined beams

4.6    Drawing of Axial Force Diagram, Shear Force Diagram and Bending Moment Diagram for determinate beams with relevant examples

4.7    Analysis of member force for determinate truss by method of joints

4.8    Analysis of member strength for determinate truss by method of sections

Explain the concept of kinematics of particles and rigid body with numerical examples of various                     geometric motion

Unit 5: Kinematics of Particles and Rigid bodies (8hours)

5.1   Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion

5.2   Position, Velocity and Acceleration of a Particle and Rigid Body

5.3   Determination of Motion of Particle and Rigid body

5.4   Uniform Rectilinear Motion of a Particle

5.5   Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motions of Particles

5.6   Curvilinear Motion of a Particle

5.7   Rectangular Components of Velocity and Acceleration

5.8      Introduction of Tangential and Normal Components of acceleration

5.9   Introduction of Radial and Transverse Components of Velocity and Acceleration

5.10   Kinematics of Rigid Bodies (Rotational Motion only)

Explain the concept of kinetics of particles with                     numerical examples of various forces with Newton's second law of motion

Unit 6: Kinetics of Particles: Force and Acceleration (6 hours)                                

6.1   Newton's Second Law of Motion

6.2   Equation of Motion and Dynamic Equilibrium, D'Alembert's principle: Relevant Examples

6.3   Equation of Motion- Rectilinear and Curvilinear

6.5   Equation of Motion: Rectangular Components, Tangential and Normal Components, Radial and Transverse Components

6.6   Equation of motion for dependent motion of particles

Explain the concept of

Unit 7: Energy and Momentum Methods of Particles (8hours)


Energy and Momentum Methods to calculate work done, energy and momentum. Explain the principles of work, energy and momentum with relevant examples.

7.1 Work done by Spring and Gravity

7.2 Work done by a Force  

7.3 Kinetic and Potential Energy 

7.4 Principles of Work and Energy Applications 

7.5 Power and Efficiency 7.6 Conservation of Energy 

7.7     Linear and Angular Momentum: Rate of Change and Conservation

7.8    Principle of Impulse and Momentum

7.9    Impulsive Motion and Impact, Types of Impact

7.10   Direct Central and Oblique Impact

Explain the concept of Newton's second law of motion for system of particles. Apply various principles of energy and momentum with relevant examples for systems of particles.

Unit 8: Systems of Particles (6hours)

8.1    Newton's Second Law and Systems of Particles

8.2     Linear and Angular Momentum of a System of Particles

8.3     Equations of Motion, Motion due to Central Force and Dynamic Equilibrium

8.4    Conservation of Momentum

8.5     Kinetic and Potential Energy of a System of Particles

8.6    Conservation of Energy of a System of Particles

8.7     Principle of Impulse and Momentum of a System of Particles

Explain the concept of Mechanical Vibration and its application in civil engineering with relevant examples

Unit 9: Mechanical Vibration in Structures (4hours)

9.1   Introduction to Mechanical Vibration and types

9.2   Simple harmonic motion

9.3   Application of mechanical vibration in civil engineering

9.4   Undamped and damped free vibration with relevant examples


5.   List of Tutorials

Following subtopics within the chapter must be included for tutorials

Chapter 2: Parallelogram law, Sine law, resolution of force into components, resolution of force into rectangular components, resultant of forces (2D, 3D), free body diagram, condition for equilibrium of particle and rigid body (2D, 3D), moment due to force (2D, 3D) about a point/line, couple, equivalent force couple system, static and kinetic friction, limiting friction Chapter 3: Centroid of area by the First Principle, centroid of composite area, Moment of inertia of area by the First Principle, Moment of inertia composite area, application of parallel axis theorem,

Chapter 4: Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagram of beam (Simply supported, overhanging and cantilever) involving point load, UDL, UVL and couple moment. Location of zero shear point and point of contraflexure. Member force of truss using joint method and section method. Zero force member.

Chapter 5: Various equations of motion involving position, velocity, acceleration and time for rectilinear motion, Projectile motion, Normal and tangential components of acceleration, Radial and tangential components of velocity and acceleration.

Chapter 6: Application of Newton's Second law of motion for a single object, dependent objects, normal and tangential components

Chapter 7: Application of Principle of work energy involving word due to gravity, friction and linear spring. Application of Conservation of Energy, Application of Principle of Impulse and Momentum, conservation of momentum, direct and oblique impact

Chapter 8: Mass center of system of particles, linear momentum, angular momentum about origin and angular momentum about mass center of system of particles. Conservation of momentum for system of particles. Kinetic energy of system of particles

Chapter 9: Undamped free vibration involving combination of springs and block

6.Evaluation System  and students'

Responsibilities Evaluation System 

The internal evaluation of a student may consist of assignments, attendance, term-exams etc. The tabular presentation of the internal evaluation is as follows:


Internal Evaluation



External Evaluation





Semester End


Attendance & Class Participation















Internal Assessment





Total Internal





Full Marks: 50 + 50 = 100


Students' Responsibilities

Each student must secure at least 45% marks separately in internal assessment with 80% attendance in the class in order to appear in the Semester End Examination. Failing to get such score will be given NOT QUALIFIED (NQ) to appear in the Semester-End Examinations. Students are advised to attend all the classes, formal exam, test, etc. and complete all the assignments within the specified time period. Students are required to complete all the requirements defined for the completion of the course.


7. Prescribed Text Books: 

F. P. Beer and E. R. JohnstonJr.: Mechanics of Engineers - Statics and Dynamics , Latest Edition, McGraw-Hill Book


8. Reference Books 

R. Hibbeler: Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics , Fourteenth Edition, Pearson, 2015

JL Merriam and LG Kraige: Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics . Latest edition

IC Jong and B.G. Rogers: Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics , International Student Edition, Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 1995

DK Anand and P.F. Cunniff: Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics , Third Printing Edition, Pearson College Div; third printing edition, 1961

RL Finney and G.B. Thomas: Calculus and Analytic Geometry , Sixth Edition, Narosa Publishing House, 1998

EW Swokowski: Calculus and Analytic Geometry , Second Edition, Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, 1979

CJ Eliezer: Concise Vector Analysis , Illustrated Edition, Dover Publications, 2015

G. Boothroyd and C. Poll: Applied Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics , First Edition, CRC Press, 1980

v Remarks and Recommendations:

1.       The syllabus is for BE (Civil) and BE (Civil and Rural) programmes. The chapters allocated shall be for 'Mechanics of Rigid Body and Particles'.

2.       The course is to be taught in second semester considering that 'Applied Physics' will be taught in first semester and 'Strength of Materials' will be taught in third semester.

3.       The chapters of the course should be tallied/checked with the chapter contents of Applied Physics, Mathematics and Strength of Materials for repetitions, if any, occur or not.

4.       Model Question of the examination should be prepared to address the requirements of the evaluation as per expected outcome of the course.

5.       Text books and reference books of the course should be from the latest edition.

6.       The course of Applied Mechanics in previous syllabus which has been taught in two sequential semesters of BCE/BCREas 'Applied Mechanics I' and 'Applied Mechanics II' should be well reviewed for its application performance effect by concerned authority before approving the current syllabus .

7.       Official cluster wise review and strategic workshop and discussions among faculties under various disciplinary areas of engineering such as: Civil General (Building, Surveying, Estimating and Costing etc.); Transportation Engineering; Structures and Earthquakes; Environment, Disaster Engineering; Water Resources, Hydrology and Hydropower; Geotechnical; Project Engineering and Management; Professional Ethics; Engineering Drawing, Architecture; Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences (English); Mathematics and Statistics; Mechanical, Electrical; Electronics; computer; software; Information Technology and Programming etc. should be conducted for preparation of new course structure.                                                                           

8.       Semester wise total credit should be almost equal to facilitate teaching load allocation properly and rationally in schools and colleges. For example: If the total credit of 8 semester is 120; then manage to allocate the credit in each semester as 120/8= 15 1, is considerable)

9.       The course structure ladder from first semester to eighth semester should be allocated from introductory courses to higher core courses in each cluster area.

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